Ade Suherman. “The Influence of Educational Financing and School Organization Culture on Educational Quality Enhancement” (A Research Conducted at the Islamic Junior High Schools in Baregbeg District, Ciamis Regency). A Thesis, Graduate Program (S-2) of Galuh University Ciamis 2008.
This research is aimed at knowing (1) the influence of educational financing on educational quality enhancement, (2) the influence of school organization culture on educational quality enhancement, (3) the influence of educational financing on school organization culture, (4) the influence of educational financing and school organization culture on educational quality enhancement at the Islamic junior high schools in Baregbeg district, Ciamis regency.
The methods used in this research were descriptive and verifying methods. Descriptive method was used to describe facts and events on the subject while verifying method was used to test hypothesis using statistical calculation of SPSS software 11.0 for windows (statistical program smart solution).
The results of this research show that: first, there is a positive and significant influence of educational financing implementation (X1) on educational quality (Y). It was proven by the correlative value 0.340 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 0,115, meaning that 11.5% of educational quality is influenced by financing while the rest 88.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 5.610 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed > F-table) with the level of significance 0.022 (0.022 <> F-table) with the level of significance 0.044 (0.044 <>2). It was verified by the correlative value 0.324 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 0,105 meaning that 10.5% of school organization culture is influenced by financing while the rest 89.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 5.610 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed > F-table) with the level of significance 0.030 (0.030 <>2) on educational quality (Y). It was proven by the correlative value 0.553 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 30.5%, meaning that 0,305 of educational quality is influenced by financing and culture while the rest 69.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 9.232 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed>F-table) with the level of significance 0.05 (0.000<0.05)>