Friday, September 19, 2008

30 tips lived happy

  1. Thought and was grateful
  2. That was Previous Although passed by
  3. Your day... Today
  4. Let the Future as far as him come
  5. Let and heeded Kritik was directed to you
  6. Don't be waiting for thank from Someone
  7. Did a favour to the Lain Person
  8. Passed the time Senggang with the Work
  9. Don't be the Chameleon
  10. Invest to Qadha and Qadar
  11. Be, Together sure the Difficulty had the Ease
  12. For the Sweet Drink from lemons
  13. Prayed
  14. Although your residence to take shelter
  15. Look for from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala
  16. Filled up Kehidupan with Faith
  17. Take Madu, should not...
  18. Considering Allah
  19. Avoided Envy
  20. Accepted the Life As the Existence
  21. Entertained the Person who was stricken by the Disaster
  22. Pray... prayed
  23. Made Allah the Helper and the fine Patron
  24. Roamed in front of Earth
  25. Was patient Well
  26. Don't bring...
  27. Did don't be sad because of the Case
  28. Received A Part Of
  29. To Just Humankind
  30. Reminded you would Heaven that Width and Earth

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The earthquake 5 SR, (Tasikmalaya and Ciamis)

TASIK, Priol - the Earthquake with the strength 5.0 Richter scales (SR) shook the Tasikmalaya territory and Ciamis, made several residents around the south coast panic and jump outside the house on Wednesday (10/9) around struck 12,13 yesterday. The centre of the earthquake that was to 8,1 Lintang South – 107.96 Lie Alongside East, or around 90 km west the Tasikmalaya power with the depth 15 km, according to the Head of BMG Cilacap Mochtar, did not show the tsunami. “Memang his vibration was enough to be felt. However not have the potential the tsunami. Apart from Ciamis and surrounding area, some Cilacap territories, Central Java also felt the existence of the vibration tersebut,” he said This earthquake then did not make damage good the building and facilities lai him. Only, several residents that was greating playing around the jumping coast ran towards the plateau. They the fear of this earthquake changed to the tsunami.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tips fasted Healthy

THAT the mother is pregnant could strong fasted, Muharam gave several tips along with:

  1. Could ate and drank in accordance with the requirement for the mother's nutrient was pregnant. For example with increased asupan protein of 1g/kg BB was increased 20 g per the day (approximately 80g per the day); calcium 1g/hari (could be received from milk, the fish, soybean peanuts and sereal); iron (could be obtained to meat, the heart, and coloured vegetables green). The supplement to iron was recommended 30-60mg/hari for the woman was pregnant and suckled; vitamins and the mineral were recommended with giving of acid folat 0,4mg/hari that often was met to green vegetables, the heart, and the egg (selengkap him saw the table 1).
  2. Reduced food that often contained fat because of could cause the nausea complaint.
  3. Could rested. When enabled provided more than the portion of the rest beforehand.
  4. Reducedthe portion of the activity that needed energy extra, for example the activity in the field or oikiran that was very heavy. As well as possible avoided stress and discarded far the habit/urging to very angry.
  5. That was important definitely, underwent religious duties

Saturday, September 6, 2008

12 reasons with the Condom

Because, along with this had 12 reasons that strengthened us why must use the condom: 1. The protection himself. When being used correctly and consistent protected himself from sexually transmitted diseases and the HIV 2. Family planning. One of the safe choices was believed to prevent pregnancy moreover modern Indonesia was experiencing baby booming. Family planning planning must be stimulated again. 3. Really paktis. Was easy to be brought. 4. Everyone could with and did not have the side-effect. 5. Was easy to be used. In each package had the guidance of his use. 6. Pleasant. The use of the condom could be a part of foreplay. 7. Could be relied on. Each piece of the condom must pass the electronics test and filled the Standard of the Internasional Quality, the ISO 4074. 8. Safe. The latex condom not bepori as being proven in the research in the laboratory. Could prevent the exchange of body fluids. You need not worry will leak. 9. The section. Could keep old, so as to be able to increase satisfaction in being in love 10. Covered because his price was cheap. 11. Berpelicin. 12. Many

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The menu during days of the burden exercise:
  1. First food (breakfast, 06,00): Sereal (like Oatmeal), and multi-vitamin second Food,
  2. Second food (09,00) high Milk low Protein fat (like Protifar, L-men, Isolate Whey Protein),
  3. third Food (pk 12,00) Meat (the Chicken, Ikan Tuna, beef better be boiled or burnt should be not fried and green vegetables or vegetables salad with the complex carbohydrate (2 slices of wheat bread, the sweet potato boiled, or red rice),
  4. fourth Food (pk 15,00) the Fresh Fruit and high milk low protein lemak
    fifth Food (ate dinner, 18,00) white Meat fresh (the chicken or the fish, should be not fried) with green vegetables or vegetables salad,
  5. Sixth food (pk 21,00) high Milk low protein fat.
Tips-tips help:
  1. Always drank water that many all day every time hari -did not have eaten until too full, only until just enough.
  2. drank coffee might, but don't use sugar too many (could use low sugar calorie like tropicana slim).
  3. did not once not eat because of slowing down your body metabolism.
  4. Always did check up and konsultasikan your health to the professional medical staff. It is hoped succeeded in undertaking the pattern of eating the healthy life)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lake and Citus Denuh :

Located + 100 kms from direction of Down town Tasikmalaya. Be Area The Nature tour having potency. Besides there is Lake what is beautiful, also there is 7 citus Denuh (Tugu, Bale Kembang, Lemah Badong, Goa Potong Kujang, Goa Binuang, Goa Cikuda Hilang, Pasir Leungit) and there is Makam Kramat Eyang Jantaka/Batara Karang.

Plantation of Tea Taraju

Was Mountain Nature (the Agro Tour) measuring + 8,027.20 ha. that was supervised by 5 (five) the Subdistrict that is: Taraju, Bojong Gambir, Culamega, Salawu and Sodonghilir. Was located in the Taraju Subdistrict, with the distance around + 47 km from the Tasikmalaya City to the south. Was the area of the Teh Plantation that was beautiful and cool in accordance with mountainous air and hills. The activity or the activity that could be carried out by the tourists that is: Research, Camping, Photografi, sport easy going road “Teawalk”, “Botram” (ate together) while enjoying beauty of scenery and so on of mountainous nature other. Here also tourists could see directly the process of the processing of tea in the Processing Factory of PT. Nusamba Tea.


Ade Suherman. “The Influence of Educational Financing and School Organization Culture on Educational Quality Enhancement” (A Research Conducted at the Islamic Junior High Schools in Baregbeg District, Ciamis Regency). A Thesis, Graduate Program (S-2) of Galuh University Ciamis 2008.

This research is aimed at knowing (1) the influence of educational financing on educational quality enhancement, (2) the influence of school organization culture on educational quality enhancement, (3) the influence of educational financing on school organization culture, (4) the influence of educational financing and school organization culture on educational quality enhancement at the Islamic junior high schools in Baregbeg district, Ciamis regency.
The methods used in this research were descriptive and verifying methods. Descriptive method was used to describe facts and events on the subject while verifying method was used to test hypothesis using statistical calculation of SPSS software 11.0 for windows (statistical program smart solution).

The results of this research show that: first, there is a positive and significant influence of educational financing implementation (X1) on educational quality (Y). It was proven by the correlative value 0.340 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 0,115, meaning that 11.5% of educational quality is influenced by financing while the rest 88.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 5.610 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed > F-table) with the level of significance 0.022 (0.022 <> F-table) with the level of significance 0.044 (0.044 <>2). It was verified by the correlative value 0.324 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 0,105 meaning that 10.5% of school organization culture is influenced by financing while the rest 89.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 5.610 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed > F-table) with the level of significance 0.030 (0.030 <>2) on educational quality (Y). It was proven by the correlative value 0.553 which is significant at the truth value 0.05 (low correlation) and double correlative coefficient r 30.5%, meaning that 0,305 of educational quality is influenced by financing and culture while the rest 69.5% is influenced by other factors. The value of F-observed 9.232 which is more than F-table 4.07 at the truth value 0.05 (F-observed>F-table) with the level of significance 0.05 (0.000<0.05)>

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sakit Maag, Puasa Sembuh

BANYAK pertanyaan yang muncul seputar penyakit maag dan puasa. Bolehkah penderita penyakit tersebut berpuasa? Selain itu, makanan apa saja yang dianjurkan dan yang tidak bagi penderita sakit maag ketika berpuasa di bulan Ramadan? Yang jelas, ada penderita yang bisa sembuh karena berpuasa.

Ramadan merupakan ajang pengendalian diri terhadap segala nafsu yang dapat menjerumuskan kita ke keadaan tidak terpuji. Salah satu dari nafsu tersebut adalah makan berlebihan dan tak terkendali.
Apa jadinya jika keinginan untuk mengonsumsi makanan enak dalam jumlah berlebih telah menguasai jiwa kita? Obesitas dan berbagai penyakit degeneratif adalah dampak utama dari lemahnya sistem pengendalian diri terhadap godaan makan.

Banyaknya perintah mengenai makan yang tertuang di dalam Alquran (tidak kurang dari 28 kali) menunjukkan bahwa makanan dan pola makan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan menentukan kesehatan seseorang. Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda bahwa perut sebaiknya diisi sepertiga untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk minuman, dan sepertiganya untuk udara pernapasan.

Dengan demikian, seorang muslim dianjurkan untuk makan jika sudah lapar dan berhenti sebelum kenyang. Konsep berhenti makan sebelum kenyang juga sejalan dengan Surat Al A'raf ayat 31 yang berbunyi, "Makan dan minumlah, tapi jangan berlebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berlebihan."
Makan secara berlebihan hingga perut sesak tidak diperkenankan dalam Islam. Seperti dikatakan oleh Al-Gazali, keadaan kenyang mengajak kepada bergeloranya syahwat-syahwat rendah dan menggerakkan berbagai penyakit di dalam tubuh.

Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda, "Perut itu adalah rumah segala penyakit. Membatasi atau menjaga makan adalah awal dari pengobatan, sedangkan permulaan segala penyakit adalah mengisi perut berlebih-lebihan."

Partial Fasting
Puasa Ramadhan sebagai wujud ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT hukumnya adalah wajib bagi setiap umat beriman. Dalam pelaksanaannya, sering timbul berbagai pertanyaan menyangkut bagaimana dampak puasa terhadap keadaan gizi seseorang? Gizi apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan selama bulan puasa? Lalu, bagaimana hubungan puasa dengan kesehatan?

Puasa sebagaimana dilakukan oleh umat Islam tergolong sebagai partial fasting, yaitu puasa yang hanya berlangsung sekitar 13 jam. Menyegerakan berbuka puasa saat azan magrib tiba, serta menunda sahur hingga mendekati waktu imsak, merupakan strategi puasa yang diajarkan Rasulullah untuk mengurangi dampak kelaparan yang berkepanjangan terhadap sistem metabolisme tubuh. Puasa Ramadan sama sekali tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyakiti tubuh, melainkan untuk mendapatkan kesehatan.

Dalam bidang ilmiah dikenal juga istilah prolonged fasting, yaitu puasa yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus selama beberapa hari. Puasa ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui daya tahan seseorang setelah beberapa hari tidak makan, kecuali minum, serta akibatnya terhadap beberapa karakteristik kesehatan tubuh.

Dalam partial fasting atau puasa Ramadan sebenarnya terjadi perubahan pola makan, dari semula tiga kali menjadi hanya dua kali sehari dengan jadwal yang juga berubah. Diperkirakan perubahan frekuensi makan ini secara kuantitatif akan menurunkan jumlah zat gizi yang masuk ke dalam tubuh.

Oleh karena itu, dalam seminggu pertama umumnya akan terjadi penurunan berat badan karena tubuh belum terbiasa dengan pola makan yang baru. Dalam minggu-minggu berikutnya tubuh akan beradaptasi terhadap segala perubahan yang ada.

Sakit Maag
Bagi penderita sakit maag, sebelum berpuasa sebaiknya berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Sebagaimana diketahui, sakit maag memiliki tahapan-tahapan. Apabila tahapannya sudah kronis dan gawat, berpuasa mungkin tidak dianjurkan.

Sakit maag adalah penyakit yang menyerang alat pencernaan, baik lambung, usus, maupun kerongkongan. Gejala-gejala sakit maag adalah rasa tidak nyaman pada saluran pencernaan, sakit pada ulu hati, mual, muntah, kembung, cepat kenyang, dan nafsu makan berkurang.

Pada kasus tertentu, ciri-cirinya sakit di bagian perut hingga serasa menusuk ke belakang, di malam hari. Sakit maag juga kadang ditandai oleh rasa nyeri yang cepat datang dan pergi, misalnya setelah makan sedikit rasa nyeri hilang, tapi sebentar kemudian kambuh lagi.

Dua jenis kelainan pada maag yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit adalah dispepsia fungsional dan organik. Dispepsia fungsional hanya ditandai oleh kelainan minimal, seperti kemerahan pada alat pencernaan.

Kelainan organik memiliki gejala-gejala yang lebih parah, yaitu berupa luka dalam di lambung, usus besar, atau kerongkongan. Pada tahap yang lebih akut, kelainan organik terkadang juga disertai polip serta tanda-tanda keganasan.

Tingkat keparahan maag tidak dapat dideteksi hanya dengan mengamati gejalanya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh sensitivitas dan psikis yang dimiliki setiap orang berbeda. Ada beberapa orang yang lambungnya hanya kemerahan sedikit saja, tapi merasakan sakit yang luar biasa. Sebaliknya, ada yang tetap dapat bekerja dan menjalankan aktivitasnya seperti biasa, padahal lambungnya telah terluka parah.

Kelainan pada alat pencernaan hanya bisa dilihat dengan cara endoskopi (teropong saluran pencernaan atas). Dari pemeriksaan ini akan terlihat apakah alat pencernaan menderita luka atau tidak.

Orang yang mengonsumsi obat rematik selama lebih dari sebulan biasanya juga tidak menyadari kalau lambungnya luka parah. Gangguan baru disadari setelah ia mengalami pendarahan. Dalam keadaan normal, ada keseimbangan antara faktor agresif yang merusak lambung dan defensif yang melindungi lambung. Obat rematik umumnya menyebabkan penipisan dinding lambung, yang akan mengganggu keseimbangan dua faktor tadi.

Justru Menyehatkan
Tidak ada keraguan bahwa puasa itu menyehatkan bagi tubuh kita. Sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam surat Al-Baqarah 184, "Berpuasa lebih baik bagimu." Rasulullah SAW juga pernah bersabda, "Shumu thasiku," yang berarti puasalah niscaya kamu sehat.

Selama puasa, pola makan akan berubah karena hanya diperbolehkan makan saat pagi dan menjelang malam hari. Lambung dibiarkan kosong selama sekitar 13 jam. Umumnya tubuh memerlukan waktu 3-5 hari untuk beradaptasi dengan pola makan yang baru tersebut.

Meskipun lambung kosong sekitar belasan jam, tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Tubuh akan tetap memiliki energi yang cukup untuk beraktivitas. Energi tersebut berasal dari cadangan energi berupa lemak dan glikogen yang tersimpan di bawah kulit.

Masalah yang mungkin terjadi adalah saat lambung kosong, pengeluaran asam lambung dan gas akan semakin meningkat. Meskipun demikian, hal ini tidak akan berlangsung terus-menerus.
Pada penderita sakit maag yang memiliki kelainan organik dan tidak mengonsumsi obat, puasa cenderung akan membuat maag semakin parah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya luka-luka dalam yang sudah parah dan telah berlangsung cukup lama.

Untuk penderita kelainan organik, obat maag yang sering dianjurkan adalah obat antiasam. Obat ini mampu menekan produksi asam lambung hingga 12 - 24 jam, tapi obat ini hanya didapat dengan resep dokter.

Obat maag yang dijual bebas adalah obat penetral asam, yang hanya mampu menetralkan asam selama sekitar 6 jam, sehingga gejala maag akan timbul setelah terlampauinya selang waktu tersebut. Obat antiasam juga dianjurkan untuk penderita maag akibat stres.

Keadaan akan sangat berbeda terhadap penderita sakit maag yang memiliki kelainan fungsional. Umumnya sakit maag jenis ini justru sembuh dan membaik dengan berpuasa. Hal ini disebabkan pola makan yang menjadi lebih teratur saat berpuasa dan berkurangnya konsumsi makanan yang mengandung gas.

Hindari Kopi dan yang Mengandung Gas
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan makanan selama berpuasa, sebaiknya saat sahur, orang yang berpuasa mengonsumsi makanan sebanyak 30-40 kkal/kilogram berat badan. Jika Anda memiliki berat badan 60 kg, artinya paling tidak Anda mengonsumsi 1.800 – 2.400 kkal.

Pilihan makanan pun harus diperhatikan. Ada beberapa makanan yang patut dihindari bagi penderita sakit maag yang ingin berpuasa. Makanan-makanan tersebut di antaranya adalah:

1. Makanan atau minuman yang merangsang pengeluaran asam lambung seperti kopi, minuman beralkohol 5-20 persen, anggur putih, sari buah jeruk, dan susu. Orang yang biasa minum kopi sebaiknya sudah mulai puasa minum kopi, jauh sebelum hari puasa dimulai. Pasalnya, kopi memiliki efek candu yang menyebabkan adanya perubahan pada kondisi tubuh.

2. Makanan yang mengandung gas, seperti makanan berlemak, sayuran tertentu seperti sawi dan kol, nangka, pisang ambon, kedondong, buah yang dikeringkan, ubi jalar, dan minuman bersoda.

3. Makanan yang sulit dicerna yang dapat memperlambat pengosongan lambung, seperti makanan berlemak, kue tart, dan keju.

4. Makanan yang melemahkan klep kerongkongan bawah, antara lain alkohol, cokelat, makanan tinggi lemak, dan gorengan. Selain itu, ada beberapa sumber karbohidrat yang harus dihindari penderita sakit maag, antara lain beras ketan, mi, bihun, bulgur, jagung, talas, serta dodol.

Tidur 2 Jam Setelah Sahur
Untuk berbuka puasa umumnya kita memulai dengan makanan yang manis-manis, mengikuti sunah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tujuannya, agar tubuh segera mendapatkan glukosa untuk menormalkan posisi gula darah yang telah menurun selama 14 jam berpuasa.

Menu pembuka dapat berupa sirop manis, teh manis, aneka kolak, kurma, serta berbagai makanan jajanan. Makanan dan minuman manis sangat mudah dicerna. Dua jam saja prosesnya sudah selesai. Selain itu juga membuat segar.

Tetap melakukan latihan fisik secara teratur sesuai kemampuan. Latihan fisik yang cukup dan teratur akan membuat tubuh menjadi bugar dan sehat. Selain itu, olahraga juga dapat menghindarkan diri terhadap stres. Kondisi mental sangat erat hubungannya dengan kondisi pencernaan. Paling tidak, dengan latihan fisik, ada pelemasan otot tubuh.

Olahraga sebaiknya dilakukan menjelang berbuka puasa. Pilih juga olahraga yang tidak menguras banyak keringat karena bisa menyebabkan kehilangan cairan dan elektrolit dalam jumlah banyak.

Tidur setelah dua jam sahur. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menghindari naiknya asam lambung ke kerongkongan. Saat itu lambung masih berisi makanan. Makanan bisa lancar turun ke saluran pencernaan apabila tubuh berada dalam posisi tegak.

Dalam posisi tidur, makanan akan sulit turun dan dikhawatirkan asam lambung akan naik ke kerongkongan. Ini akan menyebabkan iritasi pada pasien yang punya kelainan pada klep kerongkongannya.

sumber, Kompas edisi Senin 1 September 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

The bank Muamalat cleared the neighbouring Country

The Muamalat Bank established the investment company named First Islamic Investment Bank Ltd., by capital of early 10 million US dollar in Malaysia. "We got permission from LOFSA (Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority) in Malaysia and got letter of content from the Indonesian Bank," Director's words of Bank Muamalat Andi Buchori were contacted, on Monday (8/9). He said this company will begin to be launched in October 2008 and the Muamalat Bank will increase capital through to 100 million dollar AS. Sementara, investment for the development of the infrastructure of the company took the form of IT it was estimated around 1 million US dollar. First Islamic Investment Bank Ltd., according to him, will have an office the centre in Kuala Lumpur and the secretariat's office in Labuan, Malaysia. Moreover, also opened the office in Jakarta. According to him, was registered by him this company in Malaysia because of scrutinising the international investor, especially the Middle East investor and Africa the northern part (Nothern Africa/MENA). "Labuan was known by the international investor and was open also for the investor from the Middle East that"the Muamalat Bank established the investment company named First Islamic Investment Bank Ltd., by capital of early 10 million US dollar in Malaysia. "We got permission from LOFSA (Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority) in Malaysia and got letter of content from the Indonesian Bank," Director's words of Bank Muamalat Andi Buchori were contacted, on Monday (8/9). He said this company will begin to be launched in October 2008 and the Muamalat Bank will increase capital through to 100 million dollar AS. Sementara, investment for the development of the infrastructure of the company took the form of IT it was estimated around 1 million US dollar. First Islamic Investment Bank Ltd., according to him, will have an office the centre in Kuala Lumpur and the secretariat's office in Labuan, Malaysia. Moreover, also opened the office in Jakarta. According to him, was registered by him this company in Malaysia because of scrutinising the international investor, especially the Middle East investor and Africa the northern part (Nothern Africa/MENA). "Labuan was known by the international investor and was open also for the investor from the Middle East that"

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The Typical location of the Pilgrimage Pamijahan Tour Pamijahan was the Khas Location of the Ziarah Tour that was located in the Pamijahan, Bantarkalong Village or + 65 km from the Tasikmalaya City to the south, widely the area + 25 Ha. In the Location of this Ziarah Tour was very thick with the Religius agendas and various Ritual Islamic Religion. In Islam public holidays this pilgrimage location busy was visited by the visitor that berziarah. As in the case of the other tourist attraction the bustle of the visitor in obeyek the Pamijahan tour also fluctuating. The noisiness of the visitor to Pamijahan coincided with the Islam public holiday, in this case the Maulid month was the peak of the noisiness of the pilgrimage visitor to this place.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Cipatujah coast of one of the Tasikmalaya nature tourist attractions

The coast of south Tasikmalaya, or famous with the Cipatujah coast was one of the nature tourist attractions, with the main attraction took the form of the maritime tour. This South management of the coastal tourist attraction was supervised by the control of the Tourist Bureau of Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. The South Cipatujah coastal tourist attraction covered the area approximately 115 hectare, was located approximately 91 km from the centre of the Tasikmalaya city.
The coast Tasikmalaya South had the potential for the tour that was spread all along the Cipatujah coast until Cikalong. The object and the attraction of the tour that has begun to be cleared in part: the Sindangkerta Coast, Pamayangsari, Karangtawulan, all of them including the Cipatujah Subdistrict territory. Now coastal tourist attractions that including the Cikalong Subdistrict in part: the Mandalajaya Coast and Sindangjaya. By these tourist attractions still was gotten the object and the other attraction. To the area of the South Tasikmalaya coast flowed quite big rivers made the panorama natural was around it beautiful and very potential to be packed to the tourist attraction.
The development or the development of the Cipatujah coastal tourist attraction now is not yet carried out maximally. Nevertheless was based on the Tasikmalaya Tourist Bureau data, in the period in 1997 – 2000 was recorded by tourists who visited to the Cipatujah Coast numbering 252,774 people or in general 84,258 people per the year, whereas tourists of amount foreign countries were very small, that is only 502 people, that too was only recorded during 1997 after that was not again tourists's foreign.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The village was left Cicomre

The steep road

The hut cave

The bar motor

The paddy-field land

The inhabitants's road

Cicomre my village, there I began to know the world, I was proud of my village was beloved his nature was cool far from noise, was seen from the atmosphere of the village with beauty natural.
To pass the area Cicomre must was full physical, because of the broken road the steep stone and the road were full the muddy road water moreover in the rain season. Until when the development of the area.
I Was waiting to the government Tasikmalaya paid attention to the area Cicomre, the development really not all that and far from adequate, my hope it is hoped the Regent could pay attention to the area cicomre that was left that.
Seen from the aspect of his economics and nature resources, Cicomre was the contributor's village produced by agriculture, like rice, sugar, wood, the coconut, the clove, and other agricultural produce. I was proud of my village but whatever Pay attention to from the government to build my village.

The child's scream The village.

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